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5 tips to spy on other competitors on redbubble

5 tips to spy on other competitors on redbubble 

5 tips to spy on other competitors on redbubble

hello, guys for another Article ,i will show you how you can export tags from any products on redbubble and use them on your designs with simple extension also i will help you to find designs can generate daily sales without trends and high competition.

Number one find successful archers

find a successful archer on redbubble who had winning designs you can inspire from them for example you can find any very popular arches

 so the idea is you must collect a few successful arches accounts on redbubble and follow them every time dutch arches upload the design you can spy on it and inspire from that design and create designs similar,

Number two find successful archers

 and I will give an extension that will help you to copy the tags of that design and use them on your designs for example you will spy in many arches and all people he follows, choose any one, then click on best selling now we just see these designs and make our designs similar but never copy and past because you will put your account in danger,

when you check this design for example you will inspire by this idea and make a design similar and you will use canva for that,

Number one three successful archers

now you're done, you make the design, before you upload the design you need to check the tags scroll down, you find  the tags but redbubble don't give the permission to copy tags so open extension markers on google 


 and type allow select and copy this is the extension now add it to chrome and back to the design page now we can copy these tags and pass it in our upload page but before that open this website to put the commas to this tags,

Number four find successful archers

now you can use this tag on your designs and of course, if you want to change some of these tags you have the freedom to do so okay now we have the same idea and the same tags we just wait for any sales coming and you can do this method with a lot of sellers and increase the chance to find a winning design can make you a lot of sales

so guys this is the end of this Article don't forget to check our website for more info about a print on demand



