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Top 5 Tips to increase your redbubble sales

Top 5 Tips to increase your redbubble sales

how to get first sale on redbubble
 how to get the first sale on redbubble

I'm going to be helping you to increase your redbubble sales whether you're not getting any sales at all or whether your sales have slowed down I'll be talking about

 five things that might be causing your sales to slow down and with that three things you can do to fix that 

 now we will be talking about how you guys can increase your redbubble sales, if you're someone that's struggling to get any sales at all or for whatever reason, your sales have slowed down hopefully after reading this article I'll be able to guide you,

 you out of that to a point where you hopefully can get more consistent sales so jumping into this I said I'll be talking about five reasons that may be causing your sales to slow down or that may be causing you from not really getting any sales.

at all this is the first of those five reasons so are your best selling designs holiday based now by this, I mean that are your designs based around holidays at Christmas valentine's day easter whatever other holiday you can think of if your answer is yes obviously if we're not currently in the holiday this will slow your sales down some people also make holiday designs when it's too late.

 for example st Patrick's day was last month if you're making st Patrick's day designs now this will stop you from getting sales and if you were previously getting a lot of sales from your holiday based designs once that holiday is over for your decrease in sales

 the next thing here is are your best-selling designs actually trend-based now the main reason in a similar sense to what we covered with the holiday niche now some trends don't always stay there some trends come and go pretty quickly so are your best selling designs something that was just based on a trend that's now died down

 if you need to make sure that you're differentiating between what you were doing in regards of the things you are actually uploading into your shop this is something I'm going to talk about as we go through this Article so for that you want to be making sure

how many designs can I upload to redbubble

do you have less than 100 designs listed on your redbubble shop a lot of people always come to me asking me to review their shops and they haven't even hit at least 100 designs sometimes when you don't have any sales or when you're getting slow sales it could be through the fact that you don't even have enough designs uploaded so this is an important question you definitely want to be asking yourself because this really does make a difference

 next, do you have any evergreen designs in your shop a lot of people will mainly design for trends or for evergreen designs and working on one side compared to the other sometimes could be harmful once again I will be talking about that in a little bit more detail in a moment but if you don't have any sort of evergreen designs and you have the only holiday based or trend-based designs this could be why your sales are slowing down mainly 

because holidays don't last forever and trends do die down 

the fifth thing that could be slowing down your sales could be the fact that you may have designs that may have been wrongly removed and it's important to note the fact that they would have been wrongly removed because some people do get designs taken down but they are taken down because they're going against copyrights or trademarks when it comes to that designs being taken down is completely okay but if you're not infringing on any sort of copyright or trademarks and it's even your own style of design and redbubble take it down.

you need to be making sure that you're emailing them to make sure that those type of designs are brought back up because sometimes this will slow down your sales majorly and could potentially end up harming your shot so if you're not doing so already you need to make sure that you're always checking your emails to make sure that redbubble isn't taking down your designs as this could harm your sales as well as the growth of your shop.

 the five reasons that may be causing a lack of sales in your shop but the answer you want is how do you fix them

 three methods that you guys could try to potentially fix this are things that I've seen work for me with some of my shops so for you guys out there that are struggling if you do start to implement this information I'm pretty sure it will help you guys out too the first fixed or the first method should I say

 is mixing trending niches with evergreen niches now why is this important now covering trendy niches on your shop will allow more people to actually visit your shop will bring you traction and will get you initial sales and when I say initial sales I'm referring to those people that may not have any sales at all.

 Tip to how to get first sale on redbubble

once you start getting these sales redbubble will see you as a reputable seller and trends will allow you to pretty much put yourself on the map once you are on the map you then want to then add evergreen designs into your shop trends come trends go which also means that the sales you get from trends can sometimes be short-lived and if you're looking to get consistent sales on a more regular basis you want to then be implementing evergreen designs after you've started off with trendy designs it's really important to do that mainly because once you then start to put evergreen designs redbubble will rank them higher and this could lead to more consistent sales increasing your sales.

 if they were decreasing or even helping you to get sales if you didn't have any the second fix will be covering birthday gift based designs now this is very important mainly because birthdays compared to other holidays are things that everyone experiences on different days birthdays are pretty much an everyday thing as people are born every day which in turn means there are birthdays every single day

 so if you can make designs that are based around birthday designs or that could be birthday gift ideas this could allow you to see more consistent sales this is something that I can confirm works to you just need to be smart in the ideas that you find to implement with this idea as just a design that says happy birthday, can see there may be a lot harder to sell in comparison to a birthday design idea that may have a little bit more thought to it that might have an age on it that might have a relatable quote or that could possibly be linked to another niche 

the third method is something that you would try once you actually start to see sales and this is something that I recommend for people to do with their best selling designs, so what you need to do when it comes to this method is to create variations of your designs that are doing well so let's say for example this random design that I created that says vintage 1969 if it started to sell very very well in the green version I would make a black version and I'd make a white version just to see if they sell if they then continue to sell as well I might add in two more different color variants

 so I have five different color variants you don't have to just do this with the color you can do this with the style of design so you can change up the font if you want it works it's effective and it will definitely increase your sales, the more your sales increase the more consistent they also become so little things like this are definitely what you want to be implementing to your shops if you're struggling with sales or if your sales have out of decreased and you're not getting as many as you did before



