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3 Tips to building a print-on-demand business

3 things to building a print-on-demand business

building a print-on-demand business
building a print-on-demand business

 I've made my first 1000 dollars in print on demand royalties very recently I've built a youtube channel at the same time I'm still writing my doctoral thesis which should be really submitted in a month and I manage a manufacturing department with 140 employees everyday 10 hour day in my full-time job and I still build a print-on-demand business at the same time,

 I've got three kids and a wife and two dogs so how can I do all of this without being overworked and without going crazy basically, because it is a bit crazy but I believe you have to be a bit crazy if you want to build something great so what are the three things so I don't really want to talk about, you know anything any tips and tricks really but it's more about mindset, mindset and attitude so I think the very first thing that has helped me to be quite successful in my full-time job but also in this online business already after a very short period of time and without having any prior knowledge in how to build a print on demand or online business.

the first tip on print on demand

 the very first thing is to be persistent and to always show up I think these things are related, you know always show up always be persistent and you know just do it when you think honestly in my whole life I can count on the fingers of my left hand probably, on one hand, i can count how often I've been late to a meeting or to any appointment I always show up,

 if you don't show up to what whatever is expected of you or what you are currently working on and you just don't do it, then you won't be successful that's it you know even if  you don't need to publish daily or something or you don't need to build a youtube channel anyway, but if you do that you don't need to do it daily but be consistent if it's once a month just do it once a month but be consistent then if you set yourself targets just do it because if you don't you lose that momentum,

print-on-demand business

The second Tip on Print on Demand

 is about having a vision, you need to have a goal and you have a very clear goal in your mind 

 I don't believe in these people who always say you need to make a list with goals and have smart objectives, that has never worked for me in my life, it really has never worked maybe it works for some people but you know I've attended so many courses that where people just tell you to have smart objectives, they need to be specific measurable attainable what is it realistic and time-bound, I believe that might work maybe if you work as an employee and or you set objectives, whatever for your department if you work in business but if you really have personal goals I don't think you should be realistic that's just my opinion,

The Third Tip On Print on Demand

 is don't waste any time as soon as you are as soon as you know, your vision and your objective you can go ahead and work on it, if you waste time and if you do things that don't add any value you will probably lose momentum again  it's all about building that momentum 

 try to not waste any time which means I try to automate processes which means I try to outsource processes which means I you know not that I don't watch Netflix I still do watch Netflix but it means that I create designs for example for print on demand and then watch Netflix at the same time,

 I listen to youtube videos which not silly youtube videos but videos that help me achieve my goals I'm constantly looking for new business opportunities and this is just what I like  this is motivating and this means for me it's not really like work I actually enjoy for example working on print on demand 

it's not like work for me because it's so different to my full-time job and i really enjoyed doing it, you need to have that attitude that what you're doing you really need to enjoy it



